Urednička politika
Urednici, novinari i saradnici uživaju potpunu nezavisnost u izboru tema, uključujući pravo da sugerišu teme i način njihove obrade, odnosno da mogu da odbiju objavljivanje nekog sadržaja
Negujemo uredničku politiku u skladu sa visokim etičkim i profesionalnim novinarskim standardima, navedenih u Minhenskoj deklaraciji (1971).
Portal Stvarnost tišine svoj prostor otvara i građanskim inicijativama koje podstiču odgovorne socijalne i političke odluke, kao i veću participaciju građana u njihovom donošenju.
Uz informativni servis, na portalu se mogu pročitati autorski tekstovi koji nisu uvek i deo naše uređivačke politike.
Urednička politika portala Stvarnost tišine ne odustaje od ozbiljnih tema, obrade sadržaja kroz analitički pristup te ne pristaje na sveprisutnu logiku koja se temelji na formuli: brzo, zabavno i jednostavno.
Svi objavljeni sadržaji su besplatni i trajno dostupni kao arhiva koju je moguće pretraživati.
Editorial policy
Editors, journalists and associates enjoy full independence in choosing topics, including the right to suggest them and how to interpret them, or to reject publishing an article if they feel it doesn’t align with the editorial concept or violates the Serbian Journalist code.
We nurture our editorial policy in accordance with high ethical and professional standards, mentioned in the Munich Declaration (1971).
The reality of silence portal is also open to citizen initiatives that encourage social and political decisions, as well as better participation of citizens in those decisions.
Along with the informational service, on our portal there are also author texts that are not always part of our editorial policy.
Editorial policy of The reality of silence portal doesn’t give up on serious topics, editing content through analytic approach and therefore doesn’t accept the omnipresent logic that is based on the formula fast-fun-simple.
All published content is free and permanently available as archive that can be searched.